Yoga and Consciousness: A Journey Through History and Practice


Revised from 2008

**Origins and Historical Context**

Yoga, meaning “Union,” traces its roots back to the Indus Valley Civilization around 2500 BCE. It emerged as a method for achieving complete inner freedom and self-realization. Originally associated with Indo-European peoples who settled in the Indian Valley, yoga was a holistic practice encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions.


In contemporary Western culture, yoga has often been reduced to physical and mental exercises aimed at body perfectionism. However, its true essence spans every conceivable subject, offering profound spiritual benefits.

**Swami: The Ascetic Order**

The term “Swami” refers to an individual practicing a tradition or lineage of yoga handed down selectively from Master to student. The Swami order is considered an ascetic order, similar to monks, dedicated to a life of discipline and spiritual pursuit.

“Do you want to be master of your destiny? Do not be discouraged in sorrows, difficulties, and tribulations that manifest in the daily battle of life. Draw courage and spiritual strength from within. There is a vast inexhaustible magazine of knowledge and power within. Learn the ways to tap the source, dive deep within.” — Swami Sivananda

**Personal Experience and Benefits**

As the author of this blog, I have been practicing yoga for 4.5 years since the age of eighteen. Through my journey, I have observed numerous benefits of yoga, including:

– Changes in Hormone Levels

– Slower Breathing Rate

– Improved Balance

– Increased Strength and Flexibility

– Regulation of Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels

– Deepened Breathing

– Balancing of the Parasympathetic Nervous System


Continuous, daily practice of yoga leads to sustained benefits such as:


– Enhanced Friendliness

– Better Spousal Relations

– Reduced Drug and Alcohol Abuse


Yoga and Lifestyle

Interestingly, yoga can harmonize with various lifestyle choices. For instance, I have friends who practice yoga and smoke. As the saying goes, “Smoking will never get in the way of yoga. Although yoga might get in the way of smoking.” This highlights how stronger, liberation-based habits like yoga can gradually overshadow lesser habits.


Final Thoughts

Yoga is a profound practice that nurtures both the body and the mind, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Its spiritual roots and holistic benefits make it much more than just a physical exercise.


Practice Lightly upon the Earth,


Trevar Acuna-Hughes

Yoga Instructor Since 2006

Alkemi LLC