New Moon October 2024 in Nor Cal

Woke up in Northern California today, and the dream timelines and this one seem more congruent than they have for the next several weeks. Actually, my dreams were much less representative of the past and more of the present or near future. This proprioception (local and non-local – the body of the universe as represented through my own body) and cyclical view of time, tends to occur more often when I use (smoke) Salvia Divinorum, Wachuma or Peyote. It’s not that it’s not there with Shrooms or other substances (recently I used wild Sacred Datura), but it is for me at least less consistent with these others and more so with cacti and sacred mint alkaloids.
Yesterday I took a dose of peyote microdosing powder, and I am preparing today Huachuma, or the San Pedro cactus liquid extracts and a new batch of eclipse charged ormus. Of course, these are all medicines in the making, and ceremonies and events yet to be announced.
For now I’ll continue to travel north, be with family, teachers and tribe and most of all to chase the rains and the wet weather, the god Tlaloc, and the rains that bring both healing and mushrooms.
I have had several philosophical conversations with my tribe and family members today and I came to the realization of something I once knew but I have forgotten, something which can easily be forgotten when you live as I do in the city or in an urban center: I was raised among people who believed deeply in the godliness of Nature, the principles and the religion of the Wild and Growing things, and who honor with natural stewardship the Earth as our Mother. Essentially, Native philosophy but also some of this is Indigenous philosophy of every tribal society before “civilization” by dominator culture and to a variable degree, Taoism and Paganism… and because of these reminders today of who i am by the people who share my blood, I am grateful for my many memories of being raised without the trauma of Dogma.
I can openly speak of my faith psychedelic and entheogenic healing and daily health practices with my family and I’m one step closer to singing and sitting in circle, sharing story with the greater group of these wisdom keepers both in human form and in plants-fungi-embodied… para la familia!
-Hugh T Alkemi